Hello! I’m Zhan Wang (Zoey), a second-year PhD student from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) co-advised by Prof. Wei Zeng and Prof. Fugee Tsung. I received B.S. in Data Science and Big Data Technology in Fudan University.

My research explores the intersection of information visualization, virtual reality, and human-computer interaction. Now I am interested in designing AI-assisted interaction for information communication and presentation in immersive environments.

I have been working in FDU-VIS and Microsoft Research Asia.

Latest News -----------------------
  • 2024-3 One first-authored paper VirtuWander is accepted in CHI’2024.
    2024-3 One co-authored paper VirtuWander is accepted in ISEA’2024.
    2023-10 Attend IEEE VIS 2023 in Melbourne, Australia.
    2023-9 Storytelling in Frozen Frontier is awarded Best Paper in VINCI.

Selected Projects
